Amazon RDS Pricing - Amazon RDS Databases

Amazon RDS Pricing

AWS RDS Pricing – Overview

The prices that will be listed in this article include the RDS pricing management capabilities and the underlying hardware resources.

RDS Pricing – On-Demand DB Instances

Amazon RDS Pricing - Amazon RDS On Demand Pricing

Amazon RDS Pricing – Amazon RDS On-Demand Pricing

Those Instances allow you to pay for computing capacity hourly when your DB Instance tends to be running having no long-term commitments. Such action will grant you the freedom from charges and hardships of buying, planning and maintaining hardware, as well as change great amounts of fixed charges to become a lot smaller as variable costs.

RDS pricing listed down below will apply to a standard DB Instance or Read Replica deployed in a single AZ; otherwise, in a Multi-AZ configuration. The price is set for every DB instance-hour consumed, from the beginning of the launching of a DB Instance till the time it gets terminated.

Partial DB instance hours will be charged in 1-second increments with a minimum charge of ten minutes following a billable status change like if you start, modify or create a DB instance class.

Amazon RDS Pricing - Amazon RDS On Demand Billing

Amazon RDS Pricing – Amazon RDS On-Demand Billing

The following listed prices are applied to a DB Instance that is deployed in a single Availability Zone.

Single-AZ Deployment

Region: US East (Ohio)

Standard Instances – Current Generation Price Per Hour
db.t3.micro $0.017
db.t3.small $0.034
db.t3.medium $0.068
db.t3.large $0.136
db.t3.xlarge $0.272
db.t3.2xlarge $0.544
db.m5.large $0.171
db.m5.xlarge $0.342
db.m5.2xlarge $0.684
db.m5.4xlarge $1.368
db.m5.12xlarge $4.104
db.m5.24xlarge $8.208
Memory Optimized Instances – Current Generation Price Per Hour
db.r5.large $0.24
db.r5.xlarge $0.48
db.r5.2xlarge $0.96
db.r5.4xlarge $1.92
db.r5.12xlarge $5.76
db.r5.24xlarge $11.52

Upon running a DB Instance as a Multi-AZ deployment for the sake of better availability and data durability, RDS is going to provision and then maintain a standby in another AZ for the cases of automatic fail-over when an unplanned or scheduled outage occurs. Thus you will be on the safe side with the Multi-AZ deployment choice and always ensure you’ve got a standby in the event of any failure or accidental actions.

Multi-AZ Deployment

Region: US East (Ohio)

Standard Instances – Current Generation Price Per Hour
db.t3.micro $0.034
db.t3.small $0.068
db.t3.medium $0.136
db.t3.large $0.272
db.t3.xlarge $0.544
db.t3.2xlarge $1.088
db.m5.large $0.342
db.m5.xlarge $0.684
db.m5.2xlarge $1.368
db.m5.4xlarge $2.736
db.m5.12xlarge $8.208
db.m5.24xlarge $16.416
Memory Optimized Instances – Current Generation Price Per Hour
db.r5.large $0.48
db.r5.xlarge $0.96
db.r5.2xlarge $1.92
db.r5.4xlarge $3.84
db.r5.12xlarge $11.52
db.r5.24xlarge $23.04

RDS Reserved Instances

Those Instances grant you the ability to reserve a database instance for a period of 1- or 3-year term and for that, you will get a great discount on the hourly charge for instances that will be covered by this reservation.

There will be 3 RI payment options which are the following:

All Upfront, Partial Upfront, or no Upfront. If you choose all upfront, you will b paying all the amount of money right at the given moment, while if you choose partial upfront, you will be paying half the amount now and the other half later on, and in the case of choosing no upfront, you would be paying at the end of your term. Those options allow you to balance the amount paid upfront with the effective hourly price and with this, you will get a great discount on the On-Demand costs.

Single-AZ DB Instance reservations are capable of being applied to a database instance in a single Availability Zone. Multi-AZ deployments contain reservation options that come as separate.

Amazon RDS Pricing - Amazon RDS EC2 Instance Price Reductions

Amazon RDS Pricing – Amazon RDS EC2 Instance Price Reductions

Single-AZ Deployment

Region: US East (Ohio)


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $8.760 $0.012 29% $0.0170
Partial Upfront $50 $4.161 $0.011 33%
All Upfront $98 $0.000 $0.011 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $107 $2.993 $0.008 52% $0.0170
All Upfront $210 $0.000 $0.008 53%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $17.447 $0.024 30% $0.0340
Partial Upfront $100 $8.322 $0.023 33%
All Upfront $196 $0.000 $0.022 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $214 $5.986 $0.016 52% $0.0340
All Upfront $420 $0.000 $0.016 53%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $34.894 $0.048 30% $0.0680
Partial Upfront $200 $16.644 $0.046 33%
All Upfront $391 $0.000 $0.045 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $429 $11.899 $0.033 52% $0.0680
All Upfront $841 $0.000 $0.032 53%


Multi- AZ Deployment

Region: US East (Ohio)


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $17.447 $0.024 30% $0.0340
Partial Upfront $100 $8.322 $0.023 33%
All Upfront $196 $0.000 $0.022 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $214 $5.986 $0.016 52% $0.0340
All Upfront $420 $0.000 $0.016 53%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $34.894 $0.048 30% $0.0680
Partial Upfront $200 $16.644 $0.046 33%
All Upfront $391 $0.000 $0.045 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $429 $11.899 $0.033 52% $0.0680
All Upfront $841 $0.000 $0.032 53%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
No Upfront $0 $69.861 $0.096 30% $0.1360
Partial Upfront $399 $33.288 $0.091 33%
All Upfront $782 $0.000 $0.089 34%


Payment Option Upfront Monthly* Effective Hourly** Savings over On-Demand On-Demand Hourly
Partial Upfront $858 $23.798 $0.065 52% $0.1360
All Upfront $1,681 $0.000 $0.064 53%

See Also

AWS rds instance types

AWS Status