Cloud Cost Analysis Tools

4 Best Cloud Cost Analysis Tools

Best Cloud Cost Analysis Tools – Overview

Cloud-based services are now widely adopted by web users as they are easily available and come with many benefits. What makes the users of these cloud-based services frustrated is the process of evaluating their pricing.

Most users are not aware of the final price for the cloud services that they have been using. To do so, there are tools called the Cloud Cost Analysis tool. The market’s best cloud cost analysis tools are listed here with detailed information. Let’s get on to the list now!

Before we jump on to the list of the Best Cloud Cost Analysis tools, check out the meaning of it.

What are Cloud Cost Analysis tools?

A cloud cost analysis tool is software that runs side-by-side on your computer system to evaluate the pricing of the cloud services that you are using. The tool helps organizations monitor and analyze the usage of cloud services.

The main reason why organizations adopt it widely is it reduces the overall cost of the services. The tools generate detailed reports by analyzing the data that can be managed by the cloud management tool.

The Best Cloud Cost Analysis Tools

1. Azure Cost Management Tool

Just like Amazon, Microsoft has also cloud computing services for web users. With Microsoft Cloud and the available tools, one can easily streamline the business model to improve overall productivity.

The Azure Cost Management Tool is designed for cloud users who use different types of cloud-based services as per their needs. This tool aims to analyze the cost of various cloud services and generate detailed reports for the services and usage.

The tool is compatible with three giant cloud service providers i.e. Microsoft Cloud, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services. The built-in algorithm of this tool collects data from the ongoing services to generate reports.

The best thing about this tool is it is easy to learn, and anyone can see the report and other useful information about the cloud services right from the single dashboard.

Starting from conducting and managing the billing cycles to collecting real-time data, everything is managed by this tool to minimize the usage of unwanted cloud services and save you a lot of money in the end.

Go to: Azure Cloud Management

2. Google Cloud Cost Management

Google is way ahead of other third-party cost management for cloud-based services. Google’s Cloud Cost Management platform lets you monitor, control, and optimize your cloud services. With this tool, you can easily keep an eye on the services that your organization is currently using.

By utilizing the detailed report generated by this tool, you can save a lot of money in every billing cycle. With easy optimization of the various cloud-based sources, you can understand the actual cost of the service that you are using.

By taking full control of the cost, you can focus more on reducing the overall spending on the services. It also cuts down the unnecessary usage of cloud services that you are not using. With intelligent recommendations, you can utilize the required services. That also saves you some extra money on every billing cycle. Google lets you use this tool for free.

Go to: Google Cloud Cost Management

3. AWS Cost Management

Amazon Web Services offers its own cost management tool to manage the overall usage of different cloud services available on the platform. This advanced tool lets you view your cloud usage in real-time and gives you an idea about how you can reduce the unnecessary usage of certain services.

The cost management tool allows you to organize the various resources available for you as per your needs. Besides this, the same tool provides easy and detailed reports to organizations. The report includes a spending summary and breakouts of different service costs.

Customers can also take full control of the resources and their overall cost. Multiple pricing models are offered by Amazon to keep track of the cost. Organizations can choose the suitable operating system and infrastructure that gives them more flexibility while working with this tool.

Go to: AWS Cost Management

4. CloudySave

CloudySave is the most advanced platform that gives you in-depth information about the AWS cloud services that you are using. With these advanced tools, you can calculate the cost of cloud services as per your needs. Lambda cost calculator, EC2 cost calculator, Data transfer cost calculator, S3 cost calculator, and many other useful tools are there to calculate the overall cost of the services.

By using this tool, you can reduce your cloud usage by up to 55%. Get your free custom AWS optimization report now by visiting CloudySave’s cost management platform.

Go to: CloudySave

Final Words:

These are the market’s top-rated and highly recommended cloud cost analysis tools. The same tools can be used for the management of the cloud cost and its services. Enterprises should collect the useful details of the best cloud cost analysis tools listed above before they choose one for their needs.

Different tools offer different services and features. They need to figure out their basic needs first and then choose the right tool for managing the cloud cost for the cloud-based services that they use.

See Also

Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

Pros and Cons of Amazon Aurora in 2021

Pros and Cons of Amazon Aurora in 2023

Pros and Cons of Amazon Aurora

Amazon brand is renowned for providing top-notch digital services to customers all around the world. Its Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an incredibly popular and essential service today. AWS offers world-class cloud computing and virtual storage services to enterprises and individuals.

The Amazon Aurora was launched to combat the limited performance, availability and scalability offered by conventional database systems.

In this article, we have detailed the essential information that a user of AWS Aurora needs to know, including the advantages of using Amazon Aurora as well as the pros and cons of Amazon Aurora in 2021.

What are the advantages of using Amazon Aurora?

Apart from being completely compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora also offers numerous other advantages, such as:

What are the advantages of using Amazon Aurora

What are the advantages of using Amazon Aurora


Amazon Aurora features an auto-scaling feature that needs to be enabled by the user. This comes in handy when your storage requirements grow with time. The system automatically expands or shrinks the size of the database according to storage space requirements without the need for the user to intervene.

Scalability is extremely advantageous when you cannot predict application volume on your database in a given month.


Despite being incredibly powerful and efficient, Amazon Aurora’s services are extremely cost-effective. Amazon Web Services charges users for only the extent of resources used, such as database space consumed and the level of processing power used.

As there are no upfront payments required and no hidden fees charged, it makes Amazon Aurora is an incredibly affordable cloud computing and storage service.


Amazon VPC allows users to isolate their network when the database is running. Additionally, the AWS Key Management service helps create encryption keys for additional data protection on the Amazon database.


AWS Aurora allows users to replicate their Aurora in multiple Availability Zones. This is a worldwide database that can be easily shared among different AWS regions that can noticeably decrease the local write/read speed.


Users can easily migrate their local database into Aurora using MySQL dump and pg-dump commands.


Shifting to AWS Aurora is incredibly easy from your current database. All you have to do is start an instance with the AWS RDS console or call an API on your code. Additionally, Aurora also provides constant monitoring using Amazon Cloudwatch at no extra cost.

With AWS Aurora, users need to worry about upgrading, updating and provisioning database space. Amazon controls everything and can even perform software patching when needed.

What are the pros and cons of using Amazon Aurora?

Amazon Aurora offers a larger array of pros and benefits as compared to its downsides. Numerous renowned brands, such as Netflix, BBC, etc. rely on AWS for providing their OTP services to consumers around the world. Apart from this, Amazon Aurora has become increasingly popular among small and medium-sized enterprises as the go-to for affordable, efficient and advanced cloud storage and computing services.

Let’s take a quick look at the distinct pros and cons of using Amazon Aurora in 2021:

PROS of Amazon Aurora

1 – Fault tolerance

AWS Aurora is incredibly fault tolerant and can manage minor errors without the need for human intervention. It has specific quality parameters integrated into it which take care of all management tasks, leaving you to focus on the core aspects of your business.

2 – Backup / Restore

AWS Aurora performs regular backups to ensure the safety of stored data. Using this incredible feature, you can now easily restore any lost data or code without having to re-write the entire code.

3 – Open source compatibility

Amazon Aurora is completely compatible with the two most popular open-source databases – MySQL and PostgreSQL. Thus, new users do not need to go through an extensive training session to learn how to work with Aurora.

4 – Autoscale

Easy scalability is yet another benefit of using Amazon Aurora. It is designed to auto-scale to a larger or smaller size, according to growing or decreasing cloud resource requirements respectively. Aurora can perform horizontal and vertical auto-scaling with equal ease.

5 – Speed

According to most users, Amazon Aurora remains the fastest cloud computing and storage service when it comes to cost-to-speed ratio. It is over 5 times faster than MySQL and around 3 times faster than PostgreSQL.

CONS of Amazon Aurora

Now let’s take a quick look at some of the drawbacks or cons of using Amazon Aurora in 2021:

1 – High load apps are costly

Many users believe that Aurora Serverless is more feasible and less expensive in comparison to a single provisioned Aurora instance.

2 – Limited resources for small instances

Amazon Aurora is not considered the best choice for testing or developing small and medium instances as the number of resources and connections are restricted.

3 – Additional data transfer costs

Users have also reported being charged for using best practices which have incurred data transfer charges on their monthly bills.


Amazon Aurora is an incredibly powerful, affordable and efficient option for running small and medium instances on cloud servers. Aurora is extremely cost-effective, easy to use and offers a vast choice of additional features that are designed to make app testing and development easier and most efficient.

See Also

Amazon Aurora Pricing

Amazon Aurora Frequently Asked Questions

Amazon Aurora Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in 2021

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest provider of cloud-based computing and virtual storage services. The Aurora is a cloud-centric relational database (RDS) that blends the ease of availability and high-performance power of conventional database systems with the efficiency and affordability of open-source databases. Aurora from Amazon is completely compatible with PostgreSQL and MySQL databases. However, tests show that Amazon Aurora is at least thrice as fast as the basic PostgreSQL and over 5 times as fast as conventional MySQL databases.

Amazon Aurora FAQs in 2021

Despite its popularity, there are still tens of thousands of potential new users who are undecided whether or not to shift their database to Amazon Aurora. To make the decision simpler for you, we have outlined and answered every frequently asked question (FAQ) about Amazon Aurora in 2021.

Below, we have listed several of the most commonly-asked queries about the general aspects, performance, and hardware features of AWS Aurora. Let’s take at some of the most common and frequently asked questions that are posed by new and even experienced users to Amazon:


Q – What is Amazon Aurora?

Amazon Aurora, as explained earlier in short, is a relational database engine that has the speed and reliability of expensive commercial databases but includes the simplicity and affordability of open-source databases. It is completely compatible to work with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases but is many times faster than both.

Amazon Aurora is easy to use with the help of Amazon RDS which manages Amazon Aurora databases, handles time-consuming tasks like patching, provisioning, recovery, backup and failure detection among others efficiently.

Q – How much does Amazon Aurora cost?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Aurora with no upfront payment or commitment. Users can simply pay the cost of using server resources with a monthly billing plan. AWS Aurora is priced quite reasonably and is considered to be one of the most affordable and excellent cloud-based database services in existence today.

For detailed information of the cost of using Amazon Aurora, we urge you to visit the official website of AWS and get the latest rates and quotes for Amazon Aurora.

Q – How to start using Amazon Aurora?

To begin using Amazon Aurora, all you need to do is sign in to the AWS Console. Next, click on the Database category and select RDS. Finally, you will need to select Amazon Aurora as your default database engine and you can begin using Amazon Aurora easily.

Q – In which AWS regions is Amazon Aurora available?

Amazon Aurora is provided to users in numerous Amazon Availability regions, including 2 in US East, 2 in US West, 6 in the Asia Pacific region, 6 in Europe, 2 AWS GovCloud regions and 1 region each in Africa, South America, Canada and the Middle East.


Q – How fast is Amazon Aurora?

Amazon Aurora delivers noticeable enhancement in performance, as compared to MySQL or PostgreSQL databases. It works by tightly integrating a database engine with an SSD-centric virtual storage layer, which is built mainly for managing database workloads. It functions by reducing writes to the storage system and decreasing lock contention that prevent delays caused by database process threads.

This is the reason that Amazon Aurora works multiple times faster than MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

Q – How to optimize database workload for Amazon Aurora MySQL and PostgreSQL databases?

Amazon Aurora is designed to be completely compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL. You can easily run existing MySQL and PostgreSQL apps and tools without making any modifications to them. To maximize the throughput of your workload on Amazon Aurora, it is advisable to create your own applications for handling large numbers of transactions and concurrent queries.


Q – What are the storage limits of Amazon Aurora databases?

Amazon Aurora offers minimum storage of 10 GB. Depending on your use of the database, Amazon automatically increases the storage space by as much as 128 TB, in 10 GB slabs, with no adverse effect on the overall performance of the database. Amazon Aurora does not require the user to provide storage space beforehand.

Q – How to scale compute resources related to the Amazon Aurora DB instance?

Users can easily scale the compute resources by simply modifying it using the Modify button on the AWS Management Console. You can also change your DB instance class by modifying memory and CPU resources.


Amazon Aurora remains the leading MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible cloud computing and storage service from AWS. It is incredibly powerful, fast and extremely affordable. Using Amazon Aurora, small and large enterprises have gained significant benefits and advantages when it comes to cloud computing and storage.

Top Tips for AWS RDS Cost Optimization

AWS RDS Cost Optimization Tips

AWS RDS Cost Optimization

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is symbolic of flexibility in provisioning the number of server resources that an application needs by scaling up and down according to changes in requirements in real time.

To be able to do this, users need to monitor their current resource usage and draft a policy to take action promptly and effectively. If you choose not to optimize your RDS costs, then you may end up facing problems from under or over-provisioning of resources.

Insufficient provisioning of resources might have a direct impact on performance, thus it needs to be adjusted according to needs constantly. On the other hand, provisioning excess resources results in the need to downsize and optimize too because you may end up paying for use of resources that were not required by the application to be deployed.

To ensure that you don’t end up paying more than you should, and to make sure that you always get the best price for the AWS RDS solution, take a look at the best tips for AWS RDS cost optimization. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about optimizing your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) footprint for your cloud infrastructure.

Best Tips for AWS RDS Cost Optimization

According to our cloud services experts, there are four major beneficial ways that can help users to cut down drastically on cloud services costs and ensure that they get the best AWS RDS cost-optimized price plan.

Let’s take a detailed look at the individual tips for AWS RDS cost optimization:

1 – Tag and Track Resource Usage

The first tip to improve AWS RDS costs for your enterprise is to ensure that all resources which are utilized are tagged and tracked properly. AWS allows you to easily tag any resource within your RDS instances. To do this, simply locate your instance on the AWS RDS console.

Tag and Track Resource Usage

Tag and Track Resource Usage

On the “Tags” tab, add the tag you need to identify the owner of the particular RDS instance. You can use numerous types of tags or labels to identify every individual RDS resource in use, including organization groups, application names, etc. However, our experts highly recommend using these two tags for every RDS instance:

  1. Application owner
  2. Database owner

This information is extremely helpful to identify owners and make them aware of any opportunity to cut back on the cost of usage. To make tagging and tracking resources easier, we recommend you use Amazon CloudWatch which is automatically updated with metrics from Amazon RDS.

2 – Define RDS Resource Usage Policies

The next tip to optimize the cost of using RDS resources requires database owners to define regulations that are helpful in identifying under-used RDS instances and suggesting actions to take once such instances are recognized. There are three major RDS aspects that are covered under this policy,:

  1. Read replicas
  2. Primary instance
  3. Unused instances

Read replica policy provides impressive scalability and durability for RDS DB instances. These read replicas have the ability to scale read traffic in a horizontal manner, which is especially advantageous for read-centric database workloads.

The primary RDS instance manages to read and write traffic for your application. Hence, it is important to ensure that the size of the primary RDS instance is sufficient to meet your application’s needs. Simultaneously, you can ensure that no instance is under-utilized. To ensure this, you can look for instances that register 30% or less CPU utilization and I/O with less than 30%, on a constant basis.

Once you have identified under-utilized primary RDS instances, you can take the following steps:

  1. Alert the application and database owners to adjust the instance to the right size.
  2. Set a deadline to correct the instance or get an exception.
  3. Send a reminder and escalate the issue after the deadline expires.

3 – Teach Owners to Implement Policies

Once you define the policy, it becomes extremely essential to ensure that app and database owners about the chosen cost-optimization policies. Owners should be educated regarding the immense impact and effectiveness of these cost-cutting techniques for using the AWS RDS solutions.

Once all owners and relevant admins are on board with the plan, you will need to start implementing the policies throughout the enterprise.

4 – Learn to Optimize Policies and Processes

Once the process is implemented, it is important to constantly monitor and identify areas of improvement. This way, you can ensure that the policies keep on evolving and match the dynamic needs of your workload and organization. In this step, you should consider using automation to auto-scale and right-size the instances in your fleet according to changing workload requirements.


Hopefully, this article helped you to understand the importance of streamlining and making the use of AWS RDS resources more efficient. Use the tips above to ensure the best AWS RDS cost optimization techniques.

See Also

Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

Best AWS RDS Cost Calculator Tips

Best AWS RDS Cost Calculator Tips

Amazon’s Relational Database Services (RDS) is the ideal solution for enterprises that seek high scalability, easily available relational databases but do not wish to invest in IT infrastructure and IT personnel to manage databases. Amazon RDS is compatible with Aurora, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and many more.

Amazon RDS helps in managing, patching and handling scalability of user database requirements and the user is only charged for the resources they use. Hence, an increasing number of enterprises and IT admins are enquiring about the best AWS RDS cost calculator to estimate the cost of AWS RDS according to their specific requirements.

If you wish to learn more about calculating the cost of AWS RDS, then this article is for you. Below, we have detailed the various factors that affect RDS charges and tips on managing RDS costs.

RDS Cost Factors

The total cost of RDS solutions is dependent on several factors However, the three main factors required by the AWS RDS cost calculator include:

1 – Type of Instance

The foremost factor that can affect RDS costs for a user is the type of instance that is used as a host in the user’s database service. You can choose the micro “db.t2.micro” instance using alone virtual CPU with 1 GB of memory or you can choose the larger, memory-optimized “db.r3.2xlarge” using 8 virtual CPUs with a total of 244 GB of memory.

2 – Database Engine & AWS Region

The second factor that can affect AWS RDS cost for users is the combination choice of database engine they choose and the AWS Region in which to run the instances. AWS RDS is compatible with 6 database engines, including:

  1. MySQL
  2. PortgreSQL
  3. AWS Aurora
  4. Microsoft SQL Server
  5. Oracle
  6. MariaDB

3 – Payment Plan

The third main factor which can influence AWS RDS costs is related to choosing Amazon’s Reserved Instance (RI). Although the RDS solution is offered through an On-Demand pricing plan, you can also choose to get incredible discounts by selecting to reserve and pre-pay the use of instances. You can avail of amazing discounted rates of 19% to 64%, depending on the upfront payment, the term of plan and size of the instance.

In addition, users also incur higher charges for:

  • Data egress and data ingress from the database instance
  • Type of storage used

Tips to Manage AWS RDS Costs

It becomes easy to estimate your IT expenses when you know the right configuration of your database deployment which can be entered into the AWS RDS cost calculator. Our experts have listed tips on how to manage AWS RDS costs more effectively.

Tip 1 – Determine instance costs

Similar to AWS EC2 instances, the charges for RDS instances are in direct proportion to the provisioned resources for the instance. By making sure that the instances being used are of the right size, there can be significant savings in RDS costs.

To lower the cost of RDS instances, even more, you can reserve an instance for an overall lower cost and pre-pay for additional discounts, when you can forecast traffic patterns for a longer-term.

Tip 2 – Choose Provisioned IOPS

Provisioned IOPS is offered as SSD storage that gives assured throughput. Environments that require higher throughput and need faster performance and consistent response time can benefit greatly by choosing Provisioned IOPS. It is important to remember that you will be charged an additional amount to configure Provisioned IOPSs on your account. Users who choose Provisioned IOPS are charged for the volume of storage used and the rate of their selected Provisioned IOPS.

An alternate to choosing Provisioned IOPS is selecting General Purpose Storage. It is SSD storage and you will be charged for the volume of storage space consumed but not for the read and write commanded to, and from, the storage. This way, you can cut down on storage costs when using the AWS RDS solution.

Tip 3 – Select Magnetic Storage

Apart from the two types of SSD storage on offer, Amazon RDS users can also choose to connect their database instances to magnetic storage. For magnetic storage, Amazon charges users for the volume of consumed storage space and also for every request in batches of a million requests.


Amazon is already renowned for offering incredibly efficient and affordable application deployment solution in the form of cloud computing and storage. Users who choose to use AWS RDS solutions should take into account the factors and tips listed above to ensure that their AWS RDS calculator gives an affordable and efficient estimate.

Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

All About Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand solution from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is renowned for its incredible auto-scaling configuration and is designed for use in Amazon Aurora. Amazon Aurora Serverless is created to start-up, shut down and scale up or down capacity according to the user’s application requirements. It is an excellent way to run your database in the cloud without having to manage database capacity beforehand. Knowing these incredible features, you must be wondering about the expenses of using Amazon Aurora Serverless.

In this article, you will learn everything you should know about Amazon Aurora Serverless, including the configuration of Aurora Serverless, the benefits of using Amazon Aurora Serverless and the Amazon Aurora Serverless Pricing.

What is Amazon Aurora Serverless all about?

IT admins and enterprise owners can’t always manage database capacity manually because it takes significant time and effort. This can often prevent the full use of database resources.

However, thanks to Amazon’s Aurora Serverless solution, you can easily create a database endpoint, choose to specify the required range of database capacity and connect your applications. Amazon charges users for this service pack on a per-second basis. Users are only charged for the total length of time the database was in active use. The Amazon RDS Management Console makes it incredibly easy to migrate between Standard and Serverless configuration with a few simple clicks.

What are the highlighting features of Amazon Aurora Serverless?

Amazon Aurora Serverless is designed to scale instantly, from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of transactions in a blink. Upon scaling, the Aurora Serverless solution adjusts capacity in minute increments to use only the amount of database resources that are needed by the application and prevents waste of database resources.

Users do not need to manage database capacity manually and are charged for the capacity which the application used. You can save up to 90% on database costs as compared to provisioning database resources beforehand for managing peak traffic situations.

Amazon Aurora Serverless is designed to support all types of database workloads, right from the development stage to the environment, application and website testing stage, especially those workloads which are unpredictable, intermittent, or infrequent. This is incredibly useful for running workloads that consist of highly demanding and critical business applications that need greater scalability and enhanced availability. Aurora Serverless is compatible with the entire set of Aurora features, such as Multi-AZ deployments, Global Database and reads replicas.

It is important to remember that the current version of Amazon Aurora Serverless is only compatible to work with MySQL databases.

What are the Benefits of Using Amazon Aurora Serverless?

There are clear benefits of using Amazon Aurora Serverless. Some of the most noticeable and common benefits of choosing Aurora Serverless include:

Higher Scalability

Amazon Aurora Serverless is famous for its instant scalability. It can swiftly scale up or down, between hundreds to tens of thousands of transactions in a fraction of a second.

Higher Availability

Amazon’s Aurora Serverless helps to manage your critical business workloads using the entire spectrum of Aurora features. You can easily perform cloning, backtrack, access Global Database, Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas.

Amazing Affordability

Amazon Aurora Serverless is designed to scale at fine-grained increments. It ensures that only the precise numbers of database resources that are required to run the application are used. Hence, it charges users for only the capacity of resources consumed and helps save expenses enormously.

Simple to Use

The Aurora Serverless solution from Amazon helps users avoid the complicated task of managing and provisioning database resources. The database automatically starts, shuts and scales to meet the changing requirements of different applications.

Factors to Check before Using the Amazon Aurora Serverless Pricing Calculator

Amazon offers its Aurora Serverless solution on a pay-as-you-go basis and without the need for any upfront payment. There is no minimum fee charged but the charges vary slightly for use with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Amazon charges for database capacity usage with the help of Aurora Capacity Units (ACUs) which are billed on a per-second basis.

The factors that influence Amazon Aurora Serverless pricing are:

Database Instances

Amazon Aurora Serverless does not require users to manage instances. It automatically scales up or down the database capacity according to an increase or decrease in resource demand for different applications. The type of database instances, along with database storage capacity consumed, will determine the cost of AWS Aurora Serverless pricing.

Database Storage and IOs

Amazon charges per GB/month for database storage use while IOs which are used within the billing period are charged in batches of a million request increments. Users are charged only for the IOs and storage that their Aurora database consumed within the billing period.


Apart from the instance, storage and IOs consumed, Amazon Aurora Serverless is also charged according to backup storage capacity consumed and the number of backtrack requests in a month.


Hopefully, after reading this article you now know the basic aspects of Amazon Aurora Serverless and can figure out how to use the Aurora Serverless pricing calculator with more efficiency.

AWS Billing and Cost Management

Amazon Aurora FAQ