Average Cost Savings Cloud Computing

What are the Average Cost Savings using Cloud Computing?


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Cloud technology has become incredibly widespread. Its popularity is growing every day as small-to-medium businesses and tech companies find cloud based servers an excellent & efficient for their use-cases. In reality, businesses & organizations of all types & sizes are joining the cloud bandwagon, thanks to its incredible speed and efficiency.

A survey by Datometry reveals, Over 60% of enterprises reported that, Increased savings with infra costs provided by Cloud Companies are the main reason to shift from conventional on-site servers.

The immense magnitude & popularity of cloud technology among business/tech owners can be measured by a report from Flexera which found that an astonishing 94% of enterprises are already using one or more forms of cloud technology

What is Cloud Computing all about?

Cloud computing is an incredibly innovative digital storage and computing technology that boosts the data availability, scalability and performance of an enterprise/applications. 

  • By definition, cloud computing is a service that provides on-demand IT resources over the internet which are priced on a pay-as-you-go model.
  • With cloud technology, enterprise/business owners doesn’t need to have an on-site server database or even an in-house IT team. It provides any number of servers, and scalable storage and computing capacity for enterprise applications & databases.
  • The cloud technology is mostly being used by businesses for email, storage, data backup, software testing & development, disaster recovery, big data analytics, virtual desktops, web applications for consumer’s use, and other similar online services.
  • Real-world examples of the use of cloud technology can be seen in the financial sector that uses it for implementing real-time fraud tracking and prevention.
  • The power of the cloud is also being harnessed by the healthcare sector to create customized and more efficient healthcare plans for patients. The technology is also being extensively used in the video game industry with cloud-based servers for online gaming.

Reasons for Higher Average Cost Savings with Cloud Computing

These are the few ways for migrating towards cloud helps in saving costs wrt. business operations: 

No set-up investment is required

Conventional on-site server technology requires spending money on setting your own IT infrastructure. On the other hand, starting up on the cloud is extremely cost-efficient.

  • With conventional server technology, there are several unexpected expenses that are normally incurred from maintaining and operating an in-house IT infrastructure.
  • As cloud services provide storage and computing at a fixed cost, there is no need to pay a lump-sum amount as investment up-front.
  • Cloud services are just like any other utility service and it takes care of all maintenance at a nominal cost.
Helps to optimize hardware use

Cloud service providers accommodate the fluctuating need of servers, resulting in a scalable service.

  • The cloud platform considers resources that are used, such as storage capacity and computing prowess.
  • This ensures that you get the most optimal use of hardware resources for running your business applications with cloud servers. 
Cuts down on energy bills

The power consumed by in-house servers is immense, especially when the servers need to run round the clock. Having an on-site server database does not mean you will always be using it to its full capacity, which does not help with energy conservation. 

  • In contrast, cloud computing services are exceptionally efficient and consume comparatively less energy.
  • The optimal use of servers leads to significant power savings. As cloud based resources are shared between several consumers, this results in lowered energy rates for the cloud service provider, which in turn, helps you save remarkably a lot on energy bills at the end of every month.
Removes expense of maintaining in-house IT team

Those with a deeper knowledge of their on-site IT infrastructure know the significant expense of employing an in-house IT team to maintain it. The salaries for skilled IT technicians and engineers are quite high in light of their essential services. The shortage of talent in the industry is another reason for the higher wages of IT employees. In addition, the in-house IT team also requires expenses for hiring, training and accommodation. 

  • However, with the cloud platform, businesses no longer need to have an in-house IT team as it automatically takes care of maintenance costs in the total subscription charges.
  • Thus, shifting to cloud technology helps to remove the expense of an IT team completely. 
Removes the expenses of redundancies

An in-house IT team confesses redundancies to be a huge problem in the management of the system. Relying on single hardware is risky and an alternative hardware system needs to be kept running and prepared to take the workload in case the main system crashes for any reason. Buying and maintaining redundancy hardware add significantly to the overall cost of maintaining in-house IT infrastructures.

  • However, moving to the cloud platform removes the need to have an alternative hardware system entirely.
  • Cloud service providers have numerous data centers and ensure resilience by replicating and storing your data on several data centers at any given time. 

Final Thoughts

These aspects of cost-cutting matter most when deciding to shift your enterprise applications and database to cloud platforms. There are significant average cost savings in cloud computing apart from increased efficiency and enhanced performance.

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Cloud Cost Analysis
AWS Cloud Migration Cost Estimation

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Best Methods for Cloud Computing Cost Analysis

3 Best Methods for Cloud Computing Cost Analysis

The cloud technology is one of the most prominent technological inventions of our time. A report on the future of the cloud service market by Gartner shows the global cloud service market is set to reach US$ 266 billion by the end of 2020. 

The shift to online services in the public and private sectors due to the COVID-19 lockdown is expected to boost this figure even more. It predicts that when the majority of enterprises shift to cloud services by 2022, the overall IT spending by enterprises for the services will reach around US$ 1.3 trillion. As of now, around 83% of the total enterprise workload is handled by cloud computing.  

Seeing this promising growth, increasing numbers of enterprises are choosing to shift their applications and database to cloud servers. However, many of them are apprehensive about the cost of using such advanced technology. In case you are wondering if it will be worth paying to move and maintain your operations on cloud servers, you can take a quick look at the best cloud computing cost analysis method.

Best Cloud Computing Cost Analysis Method

Cloud technology is extremely complex and finding its estimated cost can seem as complex too. Apart from the different pricing plans by different cloud service providers, there are other small and large expenses you need to find out.  

Follow these 3 steps for the best cloud computing cost analysis before making the decision to shift your applications from on-site servers to the cloud technology:

1 – Find the expense of using and maintaining your current IT system

Every business owner should be aware of the scale of their business. IT audit is the best way to do this. The audit will disclose the expenses of running your IT infrastructure currently and also give a clearer clue about the way your tech infrastructure will look in the cloud platform. The total expense of your current IT system should give a better idea of the cost of maintaining and using cloud services. 

Some of the most important expenses your IT audit should tell you are the costs of:

  • Hardware
  • Server, database & technology maintenance 
  • Maintaining IT hardware (include staffing, facilities and real estate costs) 
  • Software
  • Internet connectivity charges 
  • On-site servers 
  • Software licenses 
  • Maintenance contracts 
  • Supplies
  • Warranty policies 
  • Spare parts 
  • Materials 
  • Administrative expenses 
  • Loss of productivity and revenue due to server downtime

Apart from finding out the monetary value of your existing IT infrastructure, you should also find out other important details with your audit, such as:

  • Database capacity used 
  • Network bandwidth required 
  • Storage capabilities 
  • Number of servers being used
  • Types of databases needed

All of the above-mentioned costs have significant value when performing cloud computing cost analysis.

2 – Figure out the estimated cost of cloud services

Once you are done with Step 1 you should have a good idea of the expenses and extent of using your current on-site IT infrastructure. The next step involves estimating the cost of operating and maintaining an IT infrastructure on the cloud. 

As mentioned earlier, calculating the cost of cloud-based services can seem as complicated as the technology itself. However, to make this process easier, leading cloud service providers to offer a “Cost Calculator” – on an online expense estimation tool – which helps to get a precise figure of expense based solely on your usage and requirements. 

Some of the most reliable and popular online Cost Calculator for cloud computing cost analysis are:

  • Google Cloud Platform Cost Calculator 
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator and Monthly Cost Calculator
  • Rackspace’s Calculator 
  • Microsoft Azure’s Pricing Calculator 
  • IBM Bluemix’s Calculator 

An online Cost Calculator for cloud computing cost analysis requires the user to enter several details to provide an accurate estimate of expenses. Now that you know the specific IT requirements of your business operations, you can easily add the required details in the Cost Calculator, such as:

  • Type of server
  • CPU cores 
  • Number of virtual machines 
  • GB of memory
  • Type of storage 
  • Raw storage capacity 

3 – Find out the expense of the cloud migration process

The cloud migration process itself is quite complex. Some, or all of your, business applications may have to be modified or replaced completely to make them suitable for running on the cloud servers. The migration process involves the total cost of moving your on-site data to the cloud, testing and integrating your migrated apps on the cloud platform and also the consultation fees of cloud migration service providers. 

The expense of cloud computing also includes the cost of the monthly service subscription charges along with several direct and indirect costs. 


Apart from making your business operations streamlined and more efficient, the decision to shift to cloud computing also benefits your budget in the long run too. 

how to calculate cloud migration estimation

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How to Calculate Cloud Migration Estimation

How to Calculate Cloud Migration Estimation

Cloud computing is extremely advanced and an essential service for small and large businesses that are looking to grow and progress at a faster pace. It offers exceptional stability, scalability and security. Cloud services are remarkably cost-efficient too. Vast numbers of enterprises are moving to cloud servers every day around the globe. This is a proven fact, as shown by a report by the Hosting Tribunal, which states that around 83% of the enterprise workload is on cloud servers in 2020. The report also states that around 94% of businesses already use some form of cloud service. Enterprises were found to allocate around 30% of their IT budget to cloud computing. 

The report also showed that over 50% of businesses spend more than US$ 1.2 million annually on cloud services, the cloud computing industry is expected to reach a global market of US$ 623.3 billion in the next 3 years. However, these figures should not deter small to medium-sized enterprises with the misconception that cloud computing services are expensive. This is far from the truth and you can find it out yourself with the steps on how to calculate cloud migration estimation for your enterprise. 

Three Steps to Get Accurate Cloud Migration Estimation

Business owners will tell you that there are several things to consider before deciding to shift enterprise applications and databases from on-site servers to the cloud platform. However, the chief factor for making the decision is the cost of migration. 

Here are the three simple steps that can help you with better cloud migration estimation:

STEP 1 – Take an Inventory of Your Current IT Infrastructure

It is essential to know the scale of your existing operations. An audit of your IT infrastructure is the best way to know this. The audit will reveal the cost of running your complete operation’s inventory. It will also give you a more accurate clue of how your on-site IT architecture will look on the cloud platform. 

The bottom line of the audit should help you get a closer estimate of the potential cost of running your operations in the cloud environment. You will need to find the total cost of usage and maintenance of your current IT infrastructure over a long period of time. In this audit, you need to take into account two types of costs:

  • Direct costs – These costs include the price of software and hardware, the cost of buying and maintaining physical servers, maintenance contracts, software license charges, warranties, materials, supplies, spare parts, etc. Direct costs also include charges for labor and maintenance of servers, database and other technologies, the cost of housing on-site servers, internet connection charges and any other cost related to IT.
  • Indirect costs – These costs are more dynamic and may include the value of loss in productivity by employees and customers at server downtime as well as the loss of revenue in such an event. 

While you are gathering data for audit, make sure to find out how much network bandwidth, database capacity and storage space your operation consumer presently. This is also an excellent way to get finer details of IT infrastructure, such as the number of servers being used, the type of database and its storage capacity, etc. This information comes handy in calculating accurate cloud migration estimation. 

STEP 2 – Figure Out the Potential Cost of Creating Cloud Infrastructure

Once you know an estimate of the cost of using your current IT infrastructure, you will need to find the potential cost of cloud infrastructure. With step 1, you know the basics of your current network, database and storage needs. This detail helps when estimating the potential cost of operating and maintaining your business applications and database on the cloud platform. 

Leading cloud service providers have their own Cost Calculators that are excellent to get the best cloud migration estimation. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Rackspace, etc all provide Cost Calculator on their official website. 

After accessing the Basic Cost Calculator, you only need to enter details of your current, or planned, infrastructure, which includes server types, CPU cores, number of virtual machines, memory (GB), type of storage, capacity for raw storage, etc from drop-down lists. 

With Advanced Cost Calculator, you need to enter more precise details, such as information regarding the IT and network labor costs. Once you follow this three-stepped process, you will be able to use the Advanced Cost Calculator with ease and get accurate cloud migration estimation. 

STEP 3 – Find Out the Cost of Cloud Migration

The final step required finding out the total cost of actually modifying and moving your IT infrastructure from on-site to cloud servers. In this step, you will need to consider the costs of moving data to the cloud, integrating and testing the apps and the consultation fees of cloud migration services. 

Last, but not the least, you will also need to figure out the long-term cost of operating and maintaining your cloud-based infrastructure. Considering everything, choosing to move to cloud servers is an exceptionally sound business decision and it supports enterprises to grow and progress at an astonishing rate. 

Calculate Average Cost of Cloud Computing

AWS Personal Health Dashboard

Average Cost of Cloud Computing

Average Cost of Cloud Computing

The global cloud computing market in 2020 is evaluated at an astonishing US$ 330 billion, according to a report in the Hosting Tribunal. The report states that the main reason for businesses to migrate to cloud computing from conventional on-site server technology is its ease of access. Last year, around 90% of the registered companies were on the cloud platform while 60% of the workload was run by cloud computing technology. Small and large businesses are rushing to move their enterprise applications to cloud servers, where Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the top choice with a 32% market share in the cloud computing and storage service sector.

See also AWS cost optimization

These stats clearly show there is a remarkable trend of migrating business applications from on-premise servers to the cloud platform worldwide. Cloud platforms offer impressive flexibility and scalability. They also help to enhance productivity and make business operations more cost-efficient. There are numerous aspects of cloud computing, as compared to conventional server technology, which results in numerous benefits for any business.

In this article, we have outlined ways to calculate and estimate the average cost of cloud computing for your business.

What is the cost of cloud computing services?

Every cloud service provider has different prices for cloud computing. The price for the services is usually determined by the capacity of data computing and storage needs of customers. However, as compared to traditional on-site servers, the cloud server technology is remarkably inexpensive and shows a positive worth in just a short period of time.

How to calculate the cost of cloud computing services for your business?

Business owners who have shifted their database and applications to cloud servers are not just motivated by the inexpensive cost of migration but also by the cost-efficiency of long-term operations on the cloud servers. As mentioned earlier, different service providers charge at different prices for cloud computing services. There is a 3-stage process that will help you to calculate an accurate average cost of cloud computing for your business.

First, you will need to evaluate your existing infrastructure costs and then calculate the cost of ownership for moving to the cloud platform. In addition, there are several other costs you need to include in your estimation too.

Here’s how to find out the different types of costs and then calculate the average cost of cloud computing services for your enterprise:

STAGE 1 – Audit your Existing IT Infrastructure

An in-depth audit of your existing IT infrastructure has three benefits. First, the audit will help to determine the total cost of maintaining and using your conventional, current IT infrastructure. Second, it will help to find areas where you can save money. Third, it helps to picture an accurate description of the way your IT infrastructure will look once it has been moved to the cloud platform.

Audit your Existing IT Infrastructure

Audit your Existing IT Infrastructure

The audit of your IT infrastructure should include direct and indirect costs too.

  • Direct costs – The cost of hardware and software systems usually comprise the direct cost of IT infrastructure. Along with these, the cost of maintenance contracts and software licenses is also included indirect costs. While evaluating your IT infrastructure, you can also find out more details about it, such as data storage requirements, server computing capacity, bandwidth, etc. as these will be needed while calculating the Total Cost of Ownership.
  • Indirect costs – Operational costs are classified under indirect costs. Although some operational costs remain the same for on-site and cloud servers, there are other operational costs, such as cost of housing, cooling and operating physical servers, which need to be identified and included in indirect costs.

STAGE 2 – Calculate Total Cost of Ownership

The Total Cost of Ownership calculator is the best way to find out the complete cost of shifting, using and maintaining your application database on a cloud platform. There are several Cost Calculators provided by leading service providers, such as:

  • Azure Total Cost of Ownership Calculator
  • AWS Total Cost of Ownership Calculator
  • Google Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

These online calculators are extremely easy to use. You only need to enter the amount, types and configuration of servers along with the storage capacity required by you. Make sure to find out the average frequency of accessing data for your operations so that you can have the additional benefits of discounted pricing.

STAGE 3 – Include Additional Costs

The cost of the migration process is another significant cost to consider when calculating the average cost of cloud computing services. This cost fluctuates often as it is usually dependent on the type of infrastructure you have currently and your level of preparedness.

For instance, when you are moving large volumes of data to the cloud, the cost of migration increases as the charges for synchronizing your data and ensuring its integrity are added. In case your enterprise applications are not optimized for cloud platforms, or your existing IT architecture uses legacy systems that are incompatible with the cloud resources, then you will incur additional charges for modifying, testing and integrating the apps too.

Wrapping it up

Once you calculate the average cost of cloud computing you will definitely realize the vast potential of cost-saving it provides when it comes to cutting down on database storage, computing and your operational costs.

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Top Tips for Cloud Migration Cost Savings

Top Tips for Cloud Migration Cost Savings

Increasing numbers of businesses are shifting their on-site data centers to the cloud platform thanks to the impressive level of efficiency, flexibility, scalability, security, performance and affordability of the latter. However, there are a number of challenges that business enterprises face during the actual application migration process to the cloud servers. This might drive their investment over the planned budget. Sometimes the applications might not be optimized before migration or there might be several different details that were ignored in the planning stage which creates complications during the migration process. 

Fortunately, business owners can now learn more about the migration process and know the various tips for cloud migration cost savings

What is the Cost of Cloud Migration?

According to tech experts, there are significant costs for maintaining and using on-site data centers. Apart from the cost of buying updated hardware and software equipment, software licenses, support, etc frequently, there is also a noticeable cost of maintaining your growing IT infrastructure. 

In contrast, when business owners decide to move their application data to the cloud platform, the company will have to pay a lump sum amount however it eventually pays off in the long run. 

To know an accurate estimate of the total cost of migration to the cloud platform, you will need to consider the cost of configuring the system, prepping it for deployment and integrating it into the cloud applications, training IT staff members and users, etc. 

According to a study by Forrester, the cost of labor (migration, installation and maintenance staff) makes up a majority from the complete cost of the migration process. Hence, the total cost of the cloud migration process is affected by the method of data and application transfer you choose. The cost of a simple lift-and-shift migration process is considerably less. On the other hand, if you choose to redesign and modify your application codes as the migration process progresses, then the cost gets gradually higher. In addition to the migration process cost, you also need to consider the cost of regular expenses for maintaining your data on the cloud, which includes paying subscription fees and charges for configuration changes, etc. 

How’s the Cloud Migration Process Done?

Migration to the cloud involves various processes and their different budgets, mostly depending on the method of migration being used – Cloud as a Transition or Cloud to Transform. 

In Cloud as a Transition method, the existing IT applications are shifted in their current state on to the cloud platform. 

In the Cloud to Transform method, the application’s codes need to be modified and require using a new product even. There are significant risks in this method however there are several competitive advantages of this method too which remarkably boosts your business agility.

Once you choose any of the two migration methods, you will need to evaluate the current environment of your project in order to design a practically applicable and effective plan for migration. This plan should identify the path of migration of every component in your on-site data center. You can choose between cloud-native migration, lift-and-shift migration and re-factoring migration approaches. 

The final step in planning requires you to choose the best-suited cloud products and design a feasible budget for the migration process. 

Top Tips for Cloud Migration Cost Savings

According to our IT experts, here is a list of effective and excellent tips that can help you to save significant cost for your application migration process:

1 – Start trimming your cloud infrastructure from the get-go

To do this, you need to determine the level of minimum and optimal performance in the initial stages of planning and then choose a cloud service provider with the lowest fees. It is important to consider the user perspective and cut down the workloads according to the actual performance needs, instead of simply copy-pasting on-site infrastructure to the cloud platform. 

Once in the cloud platform, you should analyze the computing services being used and regulate them according to specific needs. 

2 – Choose reserved instances for workloads that are predictable and stable

The majority of cloud service provider allows customers to reserve capacity in the initial stage at a significantly affordable price. Thus, if you are sure that there will be no noticeable peaks or falls in utilization capacity for certain instances, then you can reserve the instance accordingly at a significant discount. This ensures that you have plenty of power for your applications at the lowest possible cost. 

3 – Select managed services and cut down on their expenses

Although many cloud service providers do not provide user support, you will need to be prepared to manage them yourself or you can choose to use managed services. According to IT experts, choosing reliable third-party vendors for managing cloud services costs significantly less to the cost of hiring and maintaining your own IT team. 


Cloud services are getting increasingly popular among small and large businesses alike. The ease of scalability and drastic improvement in customer service are the major driving factors for this choice. You too can make the move to cloud technology in an affordable way with these tips for cloud migration cost savings. 

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how to calculate average cost of cloud migration

How to Cut Down DynamoDB Storage Cost

How to Cut Down DynamoDB Storage Cost

Amazon Web Service (AWS) launched the DynamoDB Storage with much fanfare a few years ago. IT experts and small to large business owners were equally excited for this excellent tool that offered reliable performance, impressive auto-scaling of throughput capacity and provided a flexible data model and more within a single service pack. The innovative NoSQL has become a staple for landing pages of numerous renowned brands from the IoT, advertisement technology, mobile and web gaming industries. When the budget is one of the main factors for buying a new tech for your business, then one of the first questions that arise is about the DynamoDB Storage cost

How is DynamoDB priced?

To put it simply, the monthly cost of DynamoDB services is calculated according to the number of reading and write requests as well as data storage charges. Amazon offers its DynamoDB NoSQL service at a set price however the exact cost of DynamoDB can need to be calculated according to the request and storage needs of individual users. 

There are several factors that influence the total cost of DynamoDB services for every customer. These factors are:

Data Storage

Amazon Web Services charges for data storage in DynamoDB according to the amount of space (in GBs) which a table will require. Every month, AWS offers the first 25 GB of disk space for data storage completely free of charge. When the free data storage limit is crossed, every additional GB of table storage will cost around US$ 0.25 per month. 

How to Cut Down DynamoDB Storage Cost - Data Storage

How to Cut Down DynamoDB Storage Cost – Data Storage

Read Requests

AWS charges for reading request by using “Read Capacity Units” or RCUs. One RCU is useful for requesting up to two reads per second. This comes to around 5.2 million reads in a month. 

AWS offers the 25 RCUs free of charge at the start of your billing cycle. For additional RCUs, users are charged around US$ 0.09 per month. 

A Strongly Consistent Read (below 4 KB) requires one RCU, while two RCUs are needed to complete one Transactional Read and an Eventually Consistent Read request uses one-and-half RCUs. 

Write Requests

DynamoDB write requests are charged by “Write Capacity Units” or WCU. Each WCU allows one write request per second. This amounts to around 2.6 million writes in a month. 

AWS offers 25 free WCUs at the start of every billing cycle. For additional WCUs, users are charged around US$ 0.47 per month. 

DynamoDB charges one WCU for a written request (below 1 KB) and charges two WCUs for every Transactional Write Request. 

How much does the DynamoDB Storage Cost?

With AWS DynamoDB, users need not worry about provisioning their data storage requirements. DynamoDB checks the size of each table constantly and determines the storage charges for data storage. 

How much does the DynamoDB Storage Cost

How much does the DynamoDB Storage Cost

It calculates the volume of billable data in the storage by adding the basic, byte-sized data packets which are uploaded. In addition, it also includes per-item contingency storage of 100 bytes to accommodate indexing. 

According to the official AWS website, the first 25 GB of data storage is completely free. For every additional GB of disk space required thereafter AWS charges around US$ 0.25 per GB per month. 

Can DynamoDB Storage Cost become expensive?

There are two main scenarios which might make DynamoDB storage cost-prohibitive to users:

  • Unexpected application growth – In case your application grows unexpectedly and quickly it will require larger data servers for storage and processing. 
  • Low latency – If your customer satisfaction criteria include low latency and geo-distribution.

In such cases, the DynamoDB storage release velocity slows down noticeably and the service can become expensive. 

How to optimize DynamoDB Storage Cost?

The reason that DynamoDB storage cost is not simple is that AWS offers a completely manageable database that lets users avoid provisioning machines beforehand. To keep its bills within your budget, here are some tips to optimize DynamoDB storage cost:

1 – Beware of large blobs

DynamoDB storage costs increase significantly when you save images on it. To cut down this cost, users can store all images, or linked assets, in S3. Saving the URL pointing to it in the DDB is very efficient. Alternately, users can consider using compression algorithms such as gzip to make smaller blobs before storing them. 

2 – Use smaller attribute names

AWS uses size-based billing units in DynamoDB On-Demand and Provisioned capacity modes and charges extra for data storage. Thus, it helps the user when they create smaller records. If it’s not possible to decrease the attribute values, then uses can choose to shorten attribute names instead. This helps to lower the amount of disk space required for data storage noticeably. In addition, you can choose the shorter epoch time format to cut attribute size even lower.

3 – Choose cheaper regions

If you do not need to adhere to geo-based compliance standards or regulations and the location of your data is not a concern, then you can choose to store DynamoDB tables in cheaper AWS regions. 

Bottom Line

DynamoDB has quickly become one of the most preferred NoSQL around the world. With these cost-cutting measures, you can get excellent services at lowered DynamoDB storage cost. 

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