AWS Purchase Order - Purchase Order View

Best 2 Step Process for AWS Purchase Order

AWS Purchase Order

It is possible to utilize the Billing and Cost Management console for adding an AWS Purchase Order for using in your billed invoices. To add an AWS Purchase Order, you have to go through a two-step process that includes the following: Purchase orders as well as Line Item Configurations.


For adding an AWS Purchase Order, go over the below steps:

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
    AWS Purchase Order - Billing and Cost Management Console

    AWS Purchase Order – Billing and Cost Management Console


  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
    AWS Purchase Order - Purchase Orders Section

    AWS Purchase Order – Purchase Orders Section


  3. Select the option Add purchase order.
    AWS Purchase Order - Add new Purchase Order

    AWS Purchase Order – Add new Purchase Order


  4. In the field of Purchase order ID, type in your purchase order ID. Purchase order IDs have to be special inside your account.
  5. It is optional in the section of Description, to enter details about your purchase order, in addition to any notes as reference.
  6. In the section of Ship to, fill in your required shipping address.

You can optionally click on Copy Bill to address for the sake of copying and editing the address which is generated from your field of Bill to. AWS Bills can actually be tricky so you can learn more about them by checking the AWS Billing article.

  1. In the section of Bill from, select which AWS billing entity which sends you your invoice.
    AWS Purchase Order - Bill From, Effective and Expiration Months

    AWS Purchase Order – Bill From, Effective and Expiration Months


  2. In the section of Effective month, select which month you’d like to get your purchase order started from.
  3. For Expiration month, select which month you’d like your purchase order to end at.
  4. You can optionally fill in for the section of Purchase order contacts, a contact name, an email address, and a specific phone number. It is possible to keep adding a maximum of ten contacts.
    AWS Purchase Order - Purchase Order Contacts

    AWS Purchase Order – Purchase Order Contacts


  5. Select the option Configure line items.
  6. In the section of Line item number, fill in the number of your line item.
    AWS Purchase Order - Configure Line Items

    AWS Purchase Order – Configure Line Items


  7. It is optional to fill in for Description, some details for describing the line item.
  8. In the section of Line item type, select which type of line item you’d like to go with.
  9. In the section of Start month, select the required month for starting your line item. It’s not capable of being a time period earlier than that of your purchase order’s Effective month.
  10. In the section of End month, select in which month you’d like to end your line item. It should be earlier than your purchase order Expiration month.
  11. You can optionally select the option of Enable balance tracking for the sake of tracking your line item’s balance.
  12. In the section of Amount, fill in the total amount of your purchase order line item.
  13. In the section of Quantity, fill in the quantity amount.
  14. You can optionally fill in for Tax, the tax amount, which could be an absolute value or a % of the amount for line item.

In the section of Tax type, select the option of % of amount for filling in a required percentage, or amount in $ for filling in an absolute tax amount.

  1. For the sake of adding more line items, select the option Add new line item.
  2. Select the option Submit purchase order.



How can you edit your AWS Purchase Order?


For editing an AWS Purchase Order, go over the below steps:

  1. Go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
  3. Click on the purchase order needed for editing.
  4. Select the option Edit purchase order.
  5. Make changes to whichever parameters you’d like. However, Purchase order IDs are not capable of being changed.
  6. Select the option Configure line items.
  7. Select the option Submit purchase order.


For adding a line item, go over the below steps:

  1. Go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
  3. Select which purchase order you’d like to edit.
  4. For the section of Line items, select the option Add line item.
  5. Make changes to the information as required.
  6. Select the option Save line item.


For editing a line item, go over the below steps:

  1. Go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
  3. Select which purchase order you’d like to edit.
  4. From the section of Line items, select the option Edit.
  5. Make changes to the line item information as necessary.
  6. Select the option Save line item.


For deleting a line item, go over the below steps:

  1. Go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
  3. Select which purchase order you’d like to edit.
  4. Click on every single item from the line items for deleting out of the Line items
  5. Select the option Delete.
  6. Select the option Confirm.



For changing the status of your AWS Purchase Order, go over the below steps:

  1. Go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, select the option Purchase orders.
  3. Select which purchase order you’d like to edit.
  4. Select the option Change status.
  5. Pick a suitable status of your choice:

Suspended: Purchase order not utilized for the sake of invoice association.

Active: Purchase order not utilized for the sake of invoice association.

  1. Select the option Change status.

AWS Billing

AWS Billing - AWS Billing Featured Image

AWS Billing

AWS Billing

Whenever an AWS billing cycle ends or when you decide to make a purchase for a one-time fee, your credit card on file will be charged and your invoice will get issued as a PDF file. It is possible for you to download this PDF using the Account Activity page from the AWS Billing and Cost Management console by going through the below steps.

Keep in mind

IAM users will be required to have permission to view most of the pages found in the Billing and Cost Management console.


AWS Billing: Monthly Charges

For the sake of viewing your monthly charges, follow the below steps.

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
    AWS Billing - Billing and Cost Management Console

    AWS Billing – Billing and Cost Management Console


  2. From the navigation pane, click on the option Bills.
    AWS Billing - Bills

    AWS Billing – Bills


  3. In the section Date, select a specific month.

    AWS Billing - Select Date

    AWS Billing – Select Date

In the Summary section you will see a summary of the details regarding that month’s charges. It will not be counted as an invoice until the month’s activity is closed and the final charges are calculated.

In case of utilizing the feature of consolidated billing in AWS Organizations, you will get every account’s totals listed in the Bills page from the tab of Consolidated Bill Details. Click on the tab named Bill Details by Account to check every account’s activity in the organization.

For the sake of viewing your charges for a different month, follow the below steps.

  • From the Bills page, choose the month from the Date list.

To download a copy of your charges as a PDF document, go over the below steps.

AWS Billing - Usage Charges

AWS Billing – Usage Charges

  1. From the Bills page, choose a month from the Date list that has all activity closed.
  2. From the Summary tab, click on the option Usage Charges and Recurring Fees.
  3. Click on the Invoice <invoiceID> link.

To download a monthly report, follow the below steps.

AWS Billing - Download CSV

AWS Billing – Download CSV

  • Click on the Download CSV button. Then, click on the option you want.

Keep in mind that AWS Billing Reports can be extremely unpredictable so always keep track of your expenses.

How to get an invoice emailed to you of your AWS Billing

If you’d like to get a PDF copy of your monthly invoice sent to your account’s the email address, follow the below steps.

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. Click on the option Billing preferences from the navigation pane.
  3. Choose the Receive PDF Invoice by Email check box.
  4. Click on the option Save preferences.

AWS Billing: Consolidated billing

  1. Either open the AWS Organizations console or the AWS Billing and Cost Management console. If you open the AWS Billing and Cost Management console, click on the option Consolidated Billing. Then, click on the option Get started. You will be sent to the AWS Organizations console.
  2. Click on the option Create organization from the AWS Organizations console.
  3. Start creating an organization using whichever account you choose as the master account for your newly created organization. This account will be in charge of paying the other member accounts’ charges.
  4. You can optionally create accounts that will be set directly as a member to your new organization.
  5. You can get existing accounts invited to your new organization.
  6. Every single month, the master account will get charged for each other member account included in a consolidated bill. Check the below example of what a consolidated bill is made up of.

    AWS Billing - Consolidated Billing

    AWS Billing – Consolidated Billing

Whatever amount each of the member accounts gets charged, it will be sent as a bill to the master account to pay. If an organization does not support every single feature in the organization, and its member accounts are not explicitly restricted by policies, every member account remains independent from the rest. When an organization supports every single feature in the organization as well as the consolidated billing feature, and its member accounts are explicitly restricted by policies, the member accounts will get their charges billed to the master account.


AWS Billing: Share AWS credits

It is possible to turn off credit sharing using the Billing Preferences page from the Billing and Cost Management console. Below is a set of rules that specify how credits are applied to bills for single accounts and for organizations when credit sharing is turned off:

  • The 1st day of every month represents the start of the billing cycle.
  • Only the account receiving the credits will get them applied to it.
  • The last day of the month is the day when you get your bills calculated with the credit sharing preference.
  • The master account in an organization is the only account that is capable of turning credit sharing on or off. Every account in an organization gets the credit sharing preference.


To turn off credit sharing, follow the below steps.

You can turn off credit sharing through the Billing and Cost Management console.

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, click on the option Billing Preferences.
  3. Choose Disable credit sharing.
  4. Click on the option Save preferences.

AWS cost explorer

Cost Categories - Featured Image

AWS Cost Categories

Cost Categories


How to Manage Cloud Costs Using Cost Categories?

– Cost Categories are used for mapping your AWS costs and usage into defined categories.

– They are used for organizing your costs through an engine which is rule-based. The rules to be configured are going to divide your costs into different categories.

– They are used across products found in the AWS Billing and Cost Management console, Like the AWS CUR, the Cost Explorer and the AWS Budgets.

– They are used for creating groupings of costs.


Comparison of Terms

CHARGE_TYPE: a dimension which is supported for Cost Category expressions, and its called RECORD_TYPE as well in Cost Explorer API.

This mentioned dimension utilizes differing terms, according to which is being used, either the API/JSON editor or the Console.

Below is a table for comparing the terminology for the two of the scenarios.

JSON or API editor ValueConsole Name
SavingsPlanCoveredUsageSavings Plan Covered Usage
DiscountedUsageReservation applied usage
SavingsPlanNegationSavings Plan Negation
RIFeeRecurring reservation fee
SavingsPlanRecurringFeeSavings Plan Recurring Fee

How can you create Cost Categories?

A Cost Category is created for the sake of organizing a user’s cost and usage data. The accounts that can gain default access to create it, are the Master Account and Regular accounts.

It is possible to choose the order of how rules are applied and they aren’t mutually exclusive. After the creation of a specific Cost Category, a period of about 24 hours is needed for the values of your usage records to get updated.

Go over the below steps to create a Cost Category.

Creating a Cost Category

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head straight to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, pick the option Cost Categories.
    Cost Categories - Cost Categories Section

    Cost Categories – Cost Categories Section


  3. At the top of the opened page, pick the option Create Cost Category.
    Cost Categories - Create Button

    Cost Categories – Create Button


  4. For the section Cost category details, type in a specific name of your choice. You should choose a unique name for your Cost Category that hasn’t been used in your account.
    Cost Categories - Fill Details

    Cost Categories – Fill Details


  5. Click on Next.
    Cost Categories - Next Button

    Cost Categories – Next Button


  6. Pick the option Define category values.

    Cost Categories - Define Category Rules

    Cost Categories – Define Category Rules

You can choose to go with either Rule Builder or JSON editor for defining your Cost Categories.

  1. In the section of Value, type in a specific name in the Cost Category value.
  2. Select a particular billing Dimension from the list. It is possible to choose one of the following options: AccountsServiceCharge Type, or Tag key.
  3. Click on the drop-down list and pick the option Operator. You will get the following options: IsContainsStarts with, and Ends with.

Keep in Mind

Accounts and Tag dimensions are the only two that support “Contains”, “Starts with”, and “Ends with”. In case they are utilized with Accounts, they will not get evaluated against account ID, but rather account name.

  1. Choose one of the filtered values for your Dimension from the attribute selector.
  2. You can optionally rearrange the order of the rules using the arrows or by simply changing each rule’s top right number.
  3. You can optionally delete a rule, by clicking on the Remove button located to the upper right of every rule.


How can you edit Cost Categories?

The below steps can be followed for editing your Cost Categories. Keep in Mind that you will not be able to edit Cost Category names.

For editing a Cost Category

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head straight to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, pick the option Cost Categories.
  3. Click on the Cost Category that you want to edit.
  4. Pick the option Edit cost category.
  5. Change the parameters as needed, then click on the option Confirm cost category.


How can you delete a Cost Category?

The below steps can be followed for deleting your Cost Categories.

For deleting a Cost Category

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head straight to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. From navigation pane, pick the option Cost Categories.
  3. Click on the Cost Category that you want to delete.
  4. Pick the option Delete cost category.

AWS Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer - Featured Image

AWS Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer


General Information:

It is possible to enable your Cost Explorer for the account that you have by simply utilizing the following method on the Billing and AWS Cost Management console.

Cost Explorer - Billing and Cost Management Dashboard

Cost Explorer – Billing and Cost Management Dashboard

It is not possible to enable it through API.

Upon enabling it, AWS starts to put together the necessary information regarding your account’s expenses for the present month and the most recent twelve months. After that, it will make calculations for the estimate of the following twelve months.

The present month information is accessible for survey in a period of twenty-four hours. The remainder of your information will need a couple of days more.

It refreshes your cost information a minimum of one time at regular intervals every twenty-four hours.

Of course, you can dispatch it when your account is part of the organization. Nonetheless, the master account is still able to block your access to it.


Keep in Mind

According to what the status of an account is with an organization, the visibility of the cost and usage data will vary in the following ways:

  • The moment that an independent account decides to join an organization, it will lose access to cost and usage data from the time that the account was independent.
  • When a member account decides to leave an organization and turns into an independent one, it will lose access to cost and usage data from the time that the account was part of the organization. The only data that the account can have access to would be that which is created as an independent account.
  • In case a member account decides to get out of an “Organization R” (OR) to join another “Organization K” (OK), this account will lose access to cost and usage data from the beginning of the time that the account used to be a member of “OR”. Now, this account will only gain access to data which is created as a member of “OK”.
  • In case an account goes back to joining an organization that it once had a connection with, the account will get back the access it had to its previous cost and usage data.

Cost explorer will not get enabled if you sign up to receive the AWS Cost and Usage Reports or even if you sign up for the Detailed Billing Report. In order to get it enabled, you will need to go over the below process.

How can you sign up for Cost Explorer?

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Head to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
    Cost Explorer - Billing and Cost Management Console

    Cost Explorer – Billing and Cost Management Console


  2. In the navigation pane, click on the option Cost Explorer.
    Cost Explorer - Cost Explorer Section in Console

    Cost Explorer – Section in Console


  3. From the opened page, click on the option Enable Cost Explorer.
Cost Explorer - Welcome to Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer – Welcome to Cost Explorer


How can you quick start?

Upon enabling it, you will be capable of launching it directly from the Billing and Cost Management console.


How can you open it?

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, go to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. In the navigation pane, click on the option Cost Explorer.
  3. From the opened page, click on the option Launch Cost Explorer.

    Cost Explorer - Launch Cost Explorer

    Cost Explorer – Launch Button

It will be opened at the Monthly Amazon EC2 running hours costs and usage report which is saved.


How can you trigger the walkthrough?

As a first-time operating, you will be walked through the primary console sections. With the below process, you will get the chance to start the walkthrough whenever you want.

  1. Login to the AWS Management Console. Then, head straight to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link
  2. In the navigation pane, click on the option Cost Explorer.
  3. From the opened page, click on the option Launch Cost Explorer.
  4. From the service bar, choose the section labeled “?” and click on the option named “View Cost Explorer tutorial”.

AWS cost and usage reports

AWS Migration Calculator

Cost and Usage Reports - Cost and Usage Reports Section

Cloud Cost and Usage Reports

Cost and Usage Reports

How are Cost and Usage Reports Created?

By utilizing the Cost & Usage Reports page located on the Billing and Cost Management console, you will get the chance to start creating your own Cost and Usage Reports.

Keep in Mind

  • A whole day might be needed for the AWS to begin delivering reports to your selected or created S3 bucket. As soon as this delivery begins, AWS will start updating the AWS Cost and Usage Reports files at least one time daily.
  • DBRs (Detailed Billing Reports) will not be automatically refreshed, even if you choose Data refresh settings or if you don’t. For the sake of refreshing a DBR, you will need get a support case opened.

What are the steps for creating Cost and Usage Reports?

  1. Login to the Billing and Cost Management console using the following link

    Cost and Usage Reports - Billing and Cost Management console

    Cost and Usage Reports – Billing and Cost Management console

  2. From the navigation pane, click on Cost & Usage Reports.
  3. Click on Create report.
  4. In the section Report name, type in a unique report name.
  5. In the section Additional report details, choose Include resource IDs to get every individual resource’s ID added to the report.

    Cost and Usage Reports - Report Content

    Cost and Usage Reports – Report Content

Important Note for Cost and Usage Reports

If you include resource IDs in your report, individual line items are going to be created for every single resources. By doing so, your Cost and Usage Reports files are going to be greatly increased in size, according to your AWS usage.

  1. In the section of Data refresh settings, choose if you’d like your AWS Cost and Usage Reports to be refreshed whenever AWS adds support fees, credits or refunds to your account when your bill is complete. After a report gets refreshed, a new one will get uploaded to S3.
  2. Click on Next.
  3. In the section of S3 bucket, click on Configure.
  4. Inside the dialog box of Configure S3 Bucket, choose to perform one of the below options:
    Cost and Usage Reports - Configure S3 Bucket

    Cost and Usage Reports – Configure S3 Bucket

    • Choose an already existing bucket from the list then click on the button Next.
    • Type in a name for your bucket and select which Region you’d like to get the new bucket created in. Then, click on Next. To learn more about S3 Buckets, check out the article about AWS S3 Bucket.
  5. Go over the bucket policy, then choose the option “I have confirmed that this policy is correct”. When done, click on Save.

    Cost and Usage Reports - Verify Policy

    Cost and Usage Reports – Verify Policy

  6. In the section of Report path prefix, fill in the needed report path prefix to get it prepended to your report’s name.

This is a necessary step for Athena, yet an optional one for Redshift or QuickSight.

In case you choose not to set a prefix, your default prefix will be the previously added name for the report in step Four as well as the report’s date range, having the below format:


7. In the section of Time granularity, click on one of the options below:

    • Daily: For aggregating the line items in the report day by day.
    • Hourly: For aggregating the line items in the report each hour.
    • Monthly: For aggregating the line items in the report each month.

8. In the section of Report versioning, pick either to get every version of the report to overwrite the previous one or to let the latest versions get delivered along with the previous versions.

In case of choosing to Overwrite reports, you would be saving on your S3 storage costs. By getting new report versions, you would be enhancing the auditability of your billing data.

9. In the section named “Enable report data integration for”, pick either to integrate your Cost and Usage Reports with Redshift, Athena, or QuickSight. Your report will be compressed in the below formats:

    • Redshift or QuickSight: In “.gz” compression
    • Athena: In “parquet” format

10. Click on Next.

11. Upon going over all of your report settings, click on Review and Complete.

It is possible to later on head back to the Cost & Usage Reports part of your Billing and Cost Management console to check up when the latest update of your reports took place.

Data Center Relocation Cost Estimate

AWS Redshift Dashboard - Dashboard Section

AWS Redshift Dashboard

AWS Redshift Dashboard

What is the new Redshift Dashboard made up of?

AWS Redshift Dashboard - Redshift Dashboard View

AWS Redshift Dashboard – Redshift Dashboard View

Amazon Redshift currently provides a new console with a new Redshift Dashboard for all of its Redshift users. This new user interface and its new elements simplify administration and enhance insights into the overall performance and the health of its workloads and clusters.

The elements of this dashboard are the following:

– Create Cluster

– Purchase Reserved Nodes

– Cluster Overview

– Query Overview

-CloudWatch Alarms

– Events

– Feature Spotlight

How does the Redshift Dashboard help users?

The new monitoring dashboard in the new Redshift Console has the following characteristics:

Less complicated for administrators to keep monitoring all of their Redshift clusters from just one page through unifying all the needed information (like events, query performance, availability status, alarms and cluster performance).

– Gives administrators the ability to see how the activity associated with their workloads operates.

– Makes it easier to manage Redshift clusters through the act of streamlining user experiences and lessening how many clicks are made during daily operations.

– Allows users to view queries along with workload management queues then get them correlated with performance of clusters.

– Lessens the time needed to see and optimize query overall performance through permitting users to search for and discover queries. Then they will be able to monitor execution analysis and query plans.

– Presents customers with the possibility of seeing the correlated execution time with cluster performance metrics and offers in-place recommendations for optimizing results.


What does the new Redshift Dashboard provide in terms of the new Query Editor?

The newly established Query Editor tends to enhance authoring of tricky queries with a SQL editor that can manipulate queries and offer visible assessment of query results. It enhances productiveness through the use of elements like keyboard shortcuts, query formatting and content assist. You are currently capable of discovering partner solutions that can get automatically integrated with Redshift without delay from the Redshift console through the utilization of the Marketplace widget.

Also, a user is capable of viewing plans of execution for queries that are carried out.


Which Regions have the AWS Redshift Dashboard on hand?

AWS Redshift Dashboard - Available Regions

AWS Redshift Dashboard – Available Regions

Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)

Asia Pacific (Singapore)

Asia Pacific (Sydney)

Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

Asia Pacific (Mumbai)

Asia Pacific (Osaka)

Asia Pacific (Seoul)

EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London)

Middle East (Bahrain)

South America (Sao Paulo)

Canada (Central)

US West (N. California) and US West (Oregon)

US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio)


AWS Redshift Dashboard for Monitoring

Amazon Redshift is used by a great number of users for the sake of managing their analytical workloads. This allows for some modern analytics use cases, like real-time streaming, predictive and Business Intelligence.

Most of Amazon Redshift developers or administrators or developer are eager to get their users (including BI professionals or data analysts) to reach the ideal state of workload performance. Users who tend to be anticipatory would become interested in setting up Amazon CloudWatch alarms on various Redshift metrics.

The new AWS Redshift dashboard will offer you combined visibility to all of your clusters’ performance and health.

Using the AWS Redshift Dashboard, operators and administrators are capable of keeping an eye on the following:

  • Consolidated view of every single cluster event.
  • The health status of clusters, their total amount, their total nodes, and their availability.
  • Critical performance metrics for the first 5 clusters (# of queries, CPU utilization and database connections).
  • The cluster’s CloudWatch alarms.
  • Performance workloads.
AWS Redshift Dashboard - Visibility over Elements

AWS Redshift Dashboard – Visibility over Elements


Every widget can get its data filtered using a parameter, or you can edit the range in order to get your metric a trend analysis.

You are also capable of using the AWS Redshift Dashboard for the sake of separating cluster issues to give each problem the attention it requires.

For Instance:

In case you had a CloudWatch alarm for one of your Redshift metrics (exp: DB Connections), as it can be concluded from the following screenshot, you will be able to view the details of this alarm or details like cluster metrics and database metrics, loads and queries that are running.

AWS Redshift Dashboard - Clusters and Alarms

AWS Redshift Dashboard – Clusters and Alarms

How to manage cluster security groups?