A Custom AWS Report That Can Instantly Help You Reduce Your Cloud Cost Up to 55%
More than 88% of AWS users spend more than they should on EC2, S3, ES, RDS, EBS and other services. Are you within the lucky 12%? Find out for free with your custom AWS usage report and uncover instant saving opportunities. No commitment, no credit card required!
World’s only cloud computing knowledge-base that gives DevOps and engineers full visibility into their cloud usage (powered by PhD Cloud Economists).
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Our AWS cost optimization focused knowledge-base is designed to help DevOps and engineers.
6 Components of Cloud Cost Optimization
If you can answer these 6 questions you can INSTANTLY save thousands of dollars on your cloud spending.
Is your engineering team knowledgeable about services and the resources on the cloud that effect your cloud cost?
Is your system architecture mapped to your cloud spending? Is your development team aware of each single line of code? Is it aware of the architecture impact on your cloud cost?
Do you have an ownership structure of the cloud cost among your developers? How do you measure the cost impact of your development components? Are all components equally priority?
Do your developers have constant visibility on the cost breakdown of their components?
Re-architect and Refactor
Do you have access to an actionable intelligence of your cloud spending? How deep and how far you can currently go to take actions in real time?
Enforce and Monitor
Do you have an executive dashboard to evaluate and measure the efficiency of your cloud cost? Do your cloud enforcements backed by science?